Can Anyone Be an Artist?

Bronze sculpture of Daedalus

Seth Godin says anyone can be an artist. Without even becoming an artist:

Art isn’t only a painting. Art is anything that’s creative, passionate, and personal. And great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator.

What makes someone an artist? I don’t think it has anything to do with a paintbrush. There are painters who follow the numbers, or paint billboards, or work in a small village in China, painting reproductions. These folks, while swell people, aren’t artists. On the other hand, Charlie Chaplin was an artist, beyond a doubt. So is Jonathan Ive, who designed the iPod. You can be an artist who works with oil paint or marble, sure. But there are artists who worked with numbers, business models, and customer conversations. Art is about intent and communication, not substances.

(Linchpin, Seth Godin)

He argues that the Industrial Revolution, which has shaped our culture and attitude to work for so long, has now run its course, and is in fact an aberration:

Imagine a stack of 400 quarters. Each quarter represents 250 years of human culture, and the entire stack signifies the 100,000 years we’ve had organised human tribes. Take the top quarter of the stack. This one quarter represents how many years our society has revolved around factories and jobs and the world as we see it. The other 399 coins stand for a very different view of commerce, economy, and culture. Our current view might be the new normal, but the old normal was around for a very long time.

(Linchpin, Seth Godin)

Because of the emergence of the creative economy, the factory has ” fallen apart” – creativity is now the number one economic priority and “success means being an artist”. Bad news for Lou. Great news for Jack and Marla.

Inevitably, Linchpin has provoked protests from those who believe there is something sacred about art and artists, and that calling businesspeople ‘artists’ flatters them and demeans the term:

Art is a special and élite area. So is being a NASA astronaut, a Math Professor or a wedding cake maker but that does not make these people artists. And a formally trained and educated artist can do and think about things that the vast, majority of people out there cannot do – no matter how hard you make a power-point presentation or plan a product launch.

Think about it this way – I believe that any artist can get into a business or arts program, or even an engineering program if they try hard enough. Isn’t that what those motivational posters tell us? Conversely, there are only a few people who are able to get into a Fine Arts studio program. The difference? They have a talent, and not because they are good at listening to a client and trying really hard.

(‘Uh Oh, Seth Godin Is Flatter Marketing with the Word “Art”‘, The ArtListPro blog)

Actually, the ‘artist’ bit isn’t even the most outrageous claim Godin makes in Linchpin:

You Are a Genius

No one is a genius all the time. Einstein had trouble finding his house when he walked home from work every day. But all of us are geniuses sometimes.

(Linchpin, Seth Godin)

At this point, you might expect to hear squawks of protest from Lateral Action, given that I’ve already said you don’t need to be a genius to be a creative success. But semantics aside, Seth and I are really saying the same thing: don’t put others on a lofty pedestal andthem ‘geniuses’ whom you could never hope to emulate. It may feel like modesty, but it’s actually an excuse. Michelangelo’s story shows us that the biggest differences between geniuses and the rest of us are not God-given talent and supernatural intelligence, but things like work, passion, critical thinking, courage and persistence – which are within the reach of all of us, once we commit.

Reading Linchpin reminded me of one of my favourite books about the creative process, The Art of Work by Roger Coleman, which was the inspiration for my piece about Michelangelo. Coleman is an ‘artist turned craftsman’ and Professor of Design who challenges our received assumptions about the nature of art:

The history of art is really the history of skilled work – no more, no less – and when we marvel at the products of other periods and cultures, we marvel at the achievements of a tradition of skilled work, not ‘art’.

(The Art of Work, Roger Coleman)

Earlier cultures, he argues, would not have distinguished between the artist and the craftsman — they were one and the same, no matter how accomplished or refined the work. The word ‘art’ simply meant ‘skill’ or ‘work’. Shakespeare used the word in this sense when he wrote “There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face”. And according to my Oxford English Dictionary the primary meaning of the word is still “human creative skill or its application”.

For Roger Coleman, this original artistic tradition is personified in the figure of Daedalus, the fabled artisan and inventor of Greek mythology:

Daedalus is the archetypal craftsman: inventor and engineer; architect and builder; artist and sculptor; designer of labyrinths; maker of wings; problem solver and toymaker. In short, the virtuoso exponent of all that is skilful, inventive, constructive and creative.

(The Art of Work, Roger Coleman)

In other words he didn’t confine his creative energies to paint or marble. He also got his hands dirty solving problems in the real world. His work was breathtaking but not perfect – as his son Icarus found to his cost.

Like Godin, Coleman blames the Industrial Revolution for stifling this tradition of art-as-skilled-work:

It was the Industrial Revolution that finally distorted our understanding of the daedalic tradition by demanding an absolute distinction between work – labour that could be exploited in the factories and fields of the nineteenth century – and an art that was to be revered and idolised as close to genius. In its original use the word art meant skill and the exercise of skill – we still use the word in this sense – but it was only in the late nineteenth century that the words art and artist developed their modern meanings. At the same time another word – artisan – was co-opted to distinguish the skilled manual worker from the intellectual, imaginative or creative artist, and artists emerged as a very special category of cultural workers, producing a rare and marginal commodity – works of art.

(The Art of Work, Roger Coleman)

So if you feel nostalgic for the good old days, when pure artists pursued their noble calling unsullied by the world of commerce and practical problems, I hate to break it to you but that’s actually a manufactured modern myth. Not only that, the myth has served a pretty basic purpose: marketing. What better way to avoid the daily grind of the factory and get sky-high prices for your work than to persuade the world that the productions of your pen/paintbrush/chisel are the effusions of artistic genius? Nice work if you can get it.

I’m not saying individual artists are this cynical, or even this aware of what’s been happening. But I am saying that true artists can work in any medium, and that artistic types (who include me) have no right to look down their noses at those who are outstandingly “skilful, inventive, constructive and creative” in other fields of work.

What Do You Think?

Should we reserve the term ‘artist’ for those who work in the arts?

Is it possible to be an artist in business, education, childcare, construction – or other non-artistic professions?

What difference would it make to your work if you decided to approach it as an artist?

Mark McGuinness: <em><strong>Mark McGuinness</strong> is a an award-winning <a href="http://www.markmcguinness.com">poet</a>, a <a href="https://lateralaction.com/coaching">coach for creatives</a>, and the host of <a href="https://lateralaction.com/21stcenturycreative">The 21st Century Creative Podcast</a>.</em>

View Comments (28)

  • Hey Chris,

    Thanks for responding. I think we can agree that words have different meanings for different audiences. What works for our readers won't necessarily work for yours.

    I stick by my comment above that 'artist' is being used in different senses:

    (a) to describe vocation (the ‘artist’ with paintbrush) and (b) to describe achievement (someone whose work in whatever field is so good as to merit the description ‘art’).

    I'm actually more 'elitist' than some when it comes to the latter sense. E.g. in my own field, I agree with Robert Graves when he said lots of us might call ourselves 'poets', but it's only a courtesy title - there are very few real poets.

    All the best,

  • It might have been silently included in the scope of 'artist' for many, but I'd like to point out that writers occupy exactly the same position... there's this reverence for 'creative' writing, and disdain for commercial influence.

    I suppose music and all other forms of art are the same... but from a literary background (especially), and as someone whose profession (government) is about creating words - writing is an example that virtually all of us would resonate with.

  • I believe everyone is an artist, because we are all unique.
    For example, no two people have the same fingerprints, exact physical features, exact experiences, or exact views. Therefore, I believe we are all artist.

    Aside from dictionary or society definition of art, art is a unique expression that inspires.

    Yes, I believe it is possible to be an artist in business, education, childcare, construction – or other non-artistic professions.

    The key is to learn where and how to showcase our art.

    In my opinion, what's even more valuable is seeing the art in others.

  • @ JohnB - As a writer myself, I can confirm we are included in the term 'artist'. ;-)

    @ Marcy - I'd say our uniqueness makes us all potential artists. As you point out, "art is a unique expression that inspires" so we all have to make the choice whether to express it or not.

  • "Every child is an artist. The challenge is to remain an artist after you grow up." - Pablo Picasso

    I think it's like the term "consultant" - anyone who can provide advice on a subject can call themselves one. I don't think it really matters what we call ourselves or anyone else - what matters is the value we can deliver, the relationships we maintain, and the world we create.

    On the note of an artisan economy - I thought this article by The Economist was thought-provoking as it talks about manufacturing on a micro scale. In other words, the huge factories of the Industrial Revolution and the cities built around them will be far less important since production will be something that happens in our garages or local shops.


    We may see a return to what society looked like before the Industrial Revolution - a lot of microenterprises (like artisans) and a few large organizations employing many people (like the Dutch East India Company or the navy). Intuit's report on the economic trends of the next decade support this idea of a "barbell" economy: http://http-download.intuit.com/http.intuit/CMO/intuit/futureofsmallbusiness/intuit_2020_report.pdf

    Hope this helps. Mark, thanks for the thoughtful conversation.

  • This is sort of coming from the opposite direction, but the way I've managed to get around a mental block. Although a trained Primary school Music teacher, my present job is as school secretary-a thankless dogsbody. It took some resentment and self scolding to make me treat myself as a 'staff faciliator' before I reconciled myself to not being a teacher (I love teaching). As a facilitator I can do everything possible to make the school run smoothly and lift mundane and tedious work from the staff, like photocopying, typing documents, proofreading, cleaning the staffroom, stocking stationary, dealing with timewasters and parents who just needed information rather than professional advice, etc.
    Behold I convinced myself I have a worthwhile job!

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