The Kurt Cobain Guide to Startup Success

There’s no doubt that rock stars can be creative entrepreneurs, just like entrepreneurs can be creative rock stars.

But Kurt Cobain?

It may seem a stretch to call Kurt Cobain and Nirvana entrepreneurs. After all, Cobain was so disturbed by fame that he ultimately took his own life to escape the pressure.

The success of the album Nevermind was an accident of creative genius by punk rockers who reluctantly hit it big, right?

Not exactly.

The Deliberate Creative Genius of Nirvana

I didn’t want to be a fringe alternative band… I’d rather be a rock star. ~Kurt Cobain, About a Son

An entrepreneur is successful because his passion for an outcome leads him to organize available resources in new and more valuable ways. When you look at it that way, Kurt Cobain was definitely a creative entrepreneur, and he and the other members of Nirvana knew the outcome they wanted.

They wanted to be rock stars.

Now, that doesn’t mean they wanted to be rock stars like the crop at the time, such as Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, or god forbid, Warrant. Ironically, Nirvana’s success quickly knocked the hair bands off commercial radio.

The innovative mix of punk, pop hooks and 70’s guitar rock allowed Nirvana to change the face of popular music forever. And even though it’s likely they never imagined how big it would get, Cobain candidly reveals it was all according to plan in the 2006 documentary About a Son.

Take a look at the three elements that propelled Nirvana to the top of the charts. They just might help you succeed in your own entrepreneurial endeavors.

1. Break the Status Quo

It wasn’t cool to play pop music as a punk band. And I wanted to mix the two. ~Kurt Cobain, About a Son

To innovate in epic ways, the first step is to rebel against the status quo of the industry or community you belong to. In Nirvana’s case, the music scenes in Seattle and Olympia, Washington, were notoriously anti-commercial.

Nirvana’s indie debut Bleach showed promise, but that abrasive, relatively unstructured noise rock was considered “acceptable” to the Pacific Northwest music scene. Cobain wanted to create hybrid songs with pop elements—along the lines of the Pixies—but met resistance from the community and even from Sub Pop, the label he’d worshiped such a short time ago.

So Nirvana made the heretical move of signing with a major label, releasing Nevermind with Geffen. Once Smells Like Teen Spirit broke through, the grunge gold rush began, and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains crossed over onto mainstream radio next.

Takeaway: Be a leader, not a follower. You’ll certainly annoy the status quo, but only until you’re reaping the rewards of the innovative pioneer.

2. Mix Innovation With Fundamentals

I don’t think we’re better than the other bands… We got attention because our songs have hooks, which stick in people’s minds. ~Kurt Cobain, About a Son

Most of the songs on Nevermind were written before the band went into the studio. While the music is no way conventional, the tracks possess catchy hooks that are psychologically pleasing.

In other words, Cobain’s desire to add pop hooks to punk compositions is a classic way to “organize available resources in new and more valuable ways.” This is creative entrepreneurism at it’s finest, and Cobain got the rock star outcome he hoped for (be careful what you wish for, etc.).

The band chose producer Butch Vig, whose work with Sonic Youth Cobain admired, and selected Andy Wallace to mix the album. The group walked a fine line by combining polished production with punk aesthetics, and they nailed it (even though Cobain complained years later that Nevermind was too polished).

Takeaway: This is the fine line all creative entrepreneurs walk. Ignore market desire and human psychology, and you fail. Diminish the innovative elements that set you apart, and you become another unremarkable “me too” effort.

3. Bake the Marketing Into the Product

We didn’t do anything. It was just one of those ‘Get out of the way and duck’ records. ~Geffen President Ed Rosenblatt

When Nirvana signed with Geffen Records, they got a tried-and-true marketing machine. Radio promotion and retail positioning had been boiled down to a science in the days before digital distribution turned music marketing on its head.

The selection and release of singles was classic record-label strategy. Smells Like Teen Spirit would go first, which would introduce the band to radio listeners, DJs, and programming directors. This would pave the way for Come as You Are, which would be the more likely hit.

That’s where the plan fell apart.

To say Smells Like Teen Spirit did better than expected is a monumental understatement. A song recorded in three takes with lyrics penned minutes before turned Cobain into the reluctant voice of Generation X.

Geffen hoped that Nevermind would sell at least 250,000 copies, which is what the Vig-produced Sonic Youth album sold. Nevermind has sold over 10,000,000 copies to date, and is critically-regarded as one of the best rock albums in history, just as Smells Like Teen Spirit is considered one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded.

Takeaway: These days, creative entrepreneurs of all stripes can use the Internet to spark their own viral success stories by creating remarkable products and services. Home runs like Nevermind are rare and unexpected, so you still need a smart marketing plan. Just know when to “get out of the way and duck” when the audience decides to market for you.

In Summary (Plus One More Crucial Tip)

Kurt Cobain can definitely teach us things about starting our own business, whether big or small:

  1. The first key is always a new and better approach, or a fresh and innovative way to do the tried and true. If the “do it the way it’s done” crowd tells you you’re wrong, crazy, or stupid, you may be onto something.
  2. You can’t ignore the realities of market demand and human psychology, but often the market doesn’t realize what it wants and the mind craves something new.
  3. Create things that people naturally want to market for you.
  4. Be careful who you marry.

About the Author: Brian Clark is a new media entrepreneur and co-founder of Lateral Action. Subscribe today to get free updates by email or RSS.


View Comments (55)

  • I watched this movie this weekend when it was on cable. The Azzerad interviews used in the documentary made me think about similar issues you have so eloquently addressed in your post here.

    Kurt et al knew what they were doing. How interesting that the overall feeling 14+ yrs. later is that he left this earth primarily due to his disgust and distaste for fame. Although I believe he got more than he ever bargained for on that level there had to have been more going on beneath. Be careful who you marry is right. ;-)

    The first key you list holds the real genius here. Please the alternative kids without reinventing the wheel. Conform without conforming.

    Thanks for an insightful and grungified post.

  • It takes a brave soul - or a really stupid one - to venture into unknown territory when all the "guiding lights" are telling you you're crazy. But example after example shows us that the rewards can be huge and well worth the effort.

    The risks are also high that you'll fail. Perhaps point #5 should be "Don't give up after your first failure."

    Great article with some unique insights, and a nice flashback for me to the days-back-when. :-)

  • Funny, I just read a big biography of Kurt Cobain by Charles Cross and it reinforces a lot of what you are saying.

    Except the marriage part. Cross's view is that Courtney Love got a bad rap. And I believe it.

    Cobain had a lot of things to struggle against: chronic pain, which led to drug abuse, a history of suicide in his family, a rough childhood, and an insane amount of sudden celebrity. I don't think the marriage was the problem.

  • The three elements that defined Nirvana's success were fueled by an even more elemental driver: fearlessness. Innovation can't occur without it, and if we aren't willing to scare ourselves and others with our ideas we'll struggle to achieve it.

    Just recorded a vlog about this very subject http://www.qvbrands.com/rickjulian

  • @ Creativist - I disagree that taking a different path than the others do creates high risk of failure.

    I feel that what creates a risk of failure is acting impulsively and stupidly, doing something just because one can or completely ignoring all the signs that say, "Bad idea, dude."

    Ignoring nay-sayers when all the signs point to a calculated risk in which all possible outcomes have been covered would not lean towards high risk of failure.

    It would lead to an educated, informed decision to be different because the chance of success is worth it. My opinion, of course, for what it's worth.

  • Nice paradigm...Nirvana changed the music industry when they emerged and although Cobain's career ended short, they made a giant impact in a short time.

  • I just went to the gym - they were playing the video to Come As You Are on all the TV screens.

    Who says blogging has no impact in the real world. :-)

  • Kurt Cobain decided to actually make an effort to use sound marketing techniques in his music and it payed off big time for him.

    Goes to show you, that being stubborn about your art can give you results that suck.

  • @James,

    Ignoring nay-sayers when all the signs point to a calculated risk in which all possible outcomes have been covered would not lean towards high risk of failure.

    It would lead to an educated, informed decision to be different because the chance of success is worth it.

    If, in fact, the scenario you just described exists, then I agree there probably would not be a higher risk associated with an action. However, a case where ALL the signs point to success, and ALL possible outcomes have been covered AND the consensus would STILL nay-say the notion isn't very likely to occur in the real world. If it were that obvious then you'd be more likely to be stampeded by the mobs who want to go for the all-too-obvious brass ring. That would be logical behavior.

    Concept of what is "stupid" and "impulsive" are highly subjective. One person's stupidity is another person's genius. I'm sure Kurt Cobain, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, and the cave dude who came up with putting things onto round objects so they could be rolled all heard those comments from their less enlightened contemporaries. In hindsight, we see that genius that was there. Certainly at the time those folks came out with their ideas they BELIEVED they were right and others were wrong.

    But belief isn't certainty. There is always some degree of uncertainty in any course of action because we're human beings and do not have perfect foresight. We don't have the ability to predict ALL outcomes or see ALL the signs. We can shave the odds by informing ourselves as much as possible, but in the end there's always going to be some probability that we are wrong. It may be because we missed something, our conclusions were faulty, or it may be just bad luck.

    It is uncertainty that creates risk, not "stupid" or "impulsive" behavior. Some things are pretty certain, like gravity, or the fact that we're all going to die some day. Others are less certain, like my latest-greatest money-making idea, and involve taking a bet or chance that I'm right. If I bet on an idea that has a failure probability of anything greater than zero, then I'm taking a risk no matter how much homework I've done or how strong my belief is.

    The greater the uncertainty about the outcome, the greater the rewards for those who push forward and prove the consensus wrong AND their idea was a good one to begin with. If there is no uncertainty, i.e., no risk, then there is no information advantage to exploit because everyone is already doing whatever it is. THAT would be stupid behavior to replicate because there would be no reward.

    Taking a chance and blazing a trail always involves a risk of being wrong because we can't predict the future. If I'm going to assume that risk then I expect to be rewarded for it. It's the carrot that we're all chasing after, isn't it?

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