The Future of Lateral Action

Image by Genista

Two years ago this month, Brian Clark, Tony D. Clark and I were putting the finishing touches on the videos and articles we had prepared for the launch of a new website, Lateral Action. We wanted to create a different kind of site to help people realise their creative and business ambitions.

At that stage, we knew we wanted to start with a blog and later on produce a major e-learning programme. Beyond that, we were pretty confident we’d work out what to do based on the response of our audience.

Fast forward to today, and we’re thrilled that what we’ve achieved with the site. It’s been quite a ride and we’ve made plenty of new friends along the way. We also welcomed Sonia Simone to the team earlier this year. We’re really proud of the blog and The Creative Entrepreneur Roadmap – and especially of the response from our readers and members.

Having reached the initial goals we set ourselves, we’ve been taking stock on what to do next – and the upshot is that going forward, Brian, Tony and Sonia will be focusing on their other projects, and I’ll be taking over Lateral Action and running it as a one-man operation.

One reason for this is that Brian, Tony and Sonia are running several other very successful projects, as well as having some cool new things under development, which is more than enough to keep them busy. Another reason is that, having learned a lot by working with them for the past couple of years, I’m now confident I can fly the spaceship myself, so I’m very happy to be taking over the controls.

I’d like to point out that there is absolutely no truth in the rumour about a behind-the-scenes Anglo-American bunfight triggered by goaltender goalkeeper Robert Green’s howler in the England v USA World Cup game. 😉

Dissolving the partnership has been purely a business decision, based on our evolving interests. We’re still in regular contact and hanging out together over at Third Tribe. Brian and Sonia have even let me loose on Copyblogger recently, and Tony is being very patient with my tech support questions about how to work the hyperdrive. 🙂

So what does this mean for you?

Well, on a weekly basis, you shouldn’t notice much difference. As usual, there will be a new article on the site each Monday, mostly written by me, and with contributions from our fantastic guest writers; supplemented with occasional articles during the week. Our members will of course continue to have access to the Entrepreneur Roadmap (including updates like the new module we’ve just added). And we’ve agreed to maintain the link between the Entrepreneur Roadmap and Third Tribe membership.

In the next few weeks I’ll be adding a more personal touch to the About page and expanding the section about my coaching and consulting services. Later this year, I’ll open the Entrepreneur Roadmap to a new group of students (sign up here if you’d like to be first to know when this happens). And I’m excited about several new products I have under development, to help you achieve your creative and business goals. I’m also about to release a major new course, for free.

I’d like to thank Brian, Tony and Sonia for everything I’ve learned from them, originally as teachers and more recently as partners. You’re probably aware that they don’t do consulting or private coaching, so it’s been a rare opportunity for me to work with them and benefit from their expertise at close quarters.

I’d also like to thank all of you, our readers and members, for making Lateral Action what it is today. It’s a privilege to write for you, and I’ll continue to do my very best to help you become more creative, productive and successful.

And as I said, next week I’ll be launching the major new course I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

I did mention it’s free, didn’t I? 🙂 Good. Then I’ll see you next week …

Mark McGuinness: <em><strong>Mark McGuinness</strong> is a an award-winning <a href="http://www.markmcguinness.com">poet</a>, a <a href="https://lateralaction.com/coaching">coach for creatives</a>, and the host of <a href="https://lateralaction.com/21stcenturycreative">The 21st Century Creative Podcast</a>.</em>

View Comments (21)

  • Ditto the others on the quality of your writing, Mark. You always wow me even with subject matter I'm very familiar with.

    It's very cool to see LA grow this way - and of course I anticipate with excitement the next course!

    Best of luck to you and Lateral Action, and to Brian, Tony and Sonia who are headed off to their own new horizons! I have gained a lot from Lateral Action and Third Tribe and look forward to more!

    (And thanks for modeling how to announce a shift in your business - well done!)

  • I haven't been a reader long, but so far I like what I have learned and look forwards to more great info Mark.

    Also, thank you for being so open about what is going on behind the scenes with your readers.

  • Love your work, Mark - so will DEFINITELY keep tuning in. Particularly enjoying your podcasts. Really looking forward to the new course. Bon chance!

  • This sounds like one of those changes that has the potential to be a forward-tranformative transition for all concerned. So congrats, Mark! I'll look forward to what's next.

  • Yeah Free Course. Count me in! My creative juices need reviving.
    Look forward to "seeing you in action"

  • I love Lateral Action, and look forward to following you, Mark. Greeting from Norway! :-)

  • Mark, Good for you and the team for re-evaluating and making adjustments. Great companies never sit with what is but are always tweaking and evolving, as the business unfolds.

    Love reading what you write and will continue to be a fan.

    Seeing all the best and more for you!

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