Don’t Settle

When I was young, I wanted to be a rock star.

Not a pseudo-celebrity social media rock star…

A real rock star.

I didn’t become a rock star because I didn’t try.

I told myself I couldn’t do it, or maybe I was simply afraid to fail.

Knowing what I know now, I know I could have done it.

Knowing what I know now, I know I can do anything I truly want to do.

Not that it’ll be easy… just that it’s doable.


Skip directly to what you truly want to do.

Don’t substitute.

Don’t settle.


About the Author: Brian Clark is a new media entrepreneur and co-founder of Lateral Action. Subscribe today to get free updates by email or RSS.


View Comments (38)

  • If you're going to bust a gut every day working hard you might as well do it for something you love, because you might just achieve it.

    If you're busting a gut every day doing something you hate, you're only going to be really good at doing what you hate.

    Life is far too short.

  • The problem today is way too many people settle.

    I am always striving for excellence, I couldn't live with myself if I settled for second-rate.

    Whenever I see something I imagine ways to make it better, and if it is worth my time I do something about it!

    Never settle for anything.

  • everyone comes to their calling from a higher ground...doesnt surprise me in the least you had that aspiration. Because the flavor and stylings you mix into copyblogger are reflective of musical skill. It's why it works. You are not just another copywriter, but a reformed lawyer carrying a guitar.

  • We could all benefit in one way or another by getting in touch with our "inner rock star" -- in whatever form that takes.

    Sounds simple, like "Just Do It", but it's actually the hardest thing to do ... and keep doing it, especially when the going gets lumpy, and bumpy, and you get grumpy...

  • The first time I saw the word "doable" was in an interview, several years ago, in a magazine I've forgotten, with Steve Jobs. He spoke about long-term goals and objectives but, important to me was when he said, each day he broke down his goals into "doable" activities. Well, the end results speak for themselves. Thanks for your to-the-point email. I hope to read every article on your site, slowly. Absorbing, assimilating then taking doable actions. Errol.

  • Brian you just got my heart pumping, my friend. Great, great, great stuff.

  • So true! Great post! While I wish I knew this truth sooner, I am ever so grateful I know it now and can still do something about it!

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