The Creative Entrepreneur Roadmap Is Now Live

EDIT: Registration for the Creative Entrepreneur Roadmap has now closed, and the latest group of students have started working their way through the course. If you’d like to be first to know next time the course is offered, you’re welcome to join the advance notice list.

And next week we’re back to business as usual on the blog, with more free articles about creativity, productivity and creative entrepreneurship. Make sure you’re subscribed!

For the past two days, subscribers to my advance notice mailing lists have been booking their places on Lateral Action’s flagship e-learning program – The Creative Entrepreneur Roadmap.

Registration is open until Saturday, so there’s still time to join the group if you want to learn how to take your creative business to the next level.

This is the course (formerly known as the Lateral Action Entrepreneur Roadmap) I co-created with Brian Clark, Tony D. Clark and Sonia Simone, to give you a detailed Roadmap to building a 21st-century creative business.

It’s been designed for the specific needs of creative entrepreneurs – people who prefer to keep their business small, nimble and profitable, invest their time and creativity instead of taking on a loan or VC funding, and get things done via the internet and their network instead of hiring employees and a big office.

So if you’re an ambitious freelancer, artist, consultant, small business owner or online entrepreneur, then you’ll find this course has been designed with your particular needs in mind.

If you’ve ever looked at Lateral Action – or Copyblogger, Teaching Sells, or any of Brian, Tony and Sonia’s other ventures – and wondered how it all works, on this course we walk you through the strategies and tactics we used to build our own businesses, and show you how you can apply them to yours.

We also show you how the same principles have been used by many different creative entrepreneurs, with examples ranging from Apple and 37signals to Shakespeare and Magritte.

For this release, I’ve extended the program with Q&A sessions and special Members’ Rates on coaching with me – so that you get the level of support you need when applying the ideas to your own business.

To learn more and book your place, head over to the enrolment page. (Thank you for all the kind emails, but I’m from Britain, where ‘enrolment’ gets along just fine with one ‘l’. :-))

And if you’d like a little more background before you decide, I’ve compiled an extensive collection of free resources for creative entrepreneurs – here’s where you sign up to access them. Just make sure you digest them by the weekend…

As I say, registration closes this Saturday 29th January (at midnight EST). After that it will be several months before the Roadmap opens up to the next group of students. So if you don’t want to wait, here’s where you begin the next stage of your journey as a creative entrepreneur.

Mark McGuinness: <em><strong>Mark McGuinness</strong> is a an award-winning <a href="http://www.markmcguinness.com">poet</a>, a <a href="https://lateralaction.com/coaching">coach for creatives</a>, and the host of <a href="https://lateralaction.com/21stcenturycreative">The 21st Century Creative Podcast</a>.</em>