Creative Economy

Can Anyone Be an Artist?

Bronze sculpture of Daedalus Seth Godin says anyone can be an artist. Without even becoming an artist: Art isn't only…

Drive: An Interview with Daniel Pink

Dan Pink has been one of the presiding spirits of Lateral Action from day one. Specifically, his book A Whole…

Why You Need (to Be) Upbeat Now

Have you noticed there's an epidemic sweeping the globe? I'm not talking about swine flu. I'm talking about the wrong…

Dan Pink on Why Rewards Don’t Work

Business is rewarding itself to death, according to Dan Pink. He's not just talking about 'fat cat' pay and bonuses.…

Free E-book by Rajesh Setty – Defiant: Practical Tips to Thrive in Tough Times

Rajesh Setty's columns for Lateral Action have been a big hit with our readers - so you're in for a…

How to Stay Motivated During a Recession

Photo by JeffBelmonte Some people say the recession means the end of business as usual. I disagree. Of course, if…

Does Commercial Success = Creative Sell-Out?

One of the most eye-opening experiences of my life took place one afternoon in Amsterdam, in the summer of 1990.…

Lateral Activity

Photo by Canon in 2D OK it's time to spread the link love with another roundup of Lateral Activity elsewhere…

Don’t Assume You’re Normal: What You Can Learn from Other Creative Cultures

Photo by fdecomiteIn his book The Post-American World Fareed Zakaria argues that there have been 'three tectonic power shifts over…

What Family Guy Can Teach You About the
Business of Creativity

Family Guy. It’s crude, rude, and, according to its detractors… badly drawn. But the show has a rabid fan base…