Critical Thinking

The Heartbreaking Power of Context

Here’s a creative thought experiment for you: Go to this page on the official Orbital website, scroll down and hit…

Yes, the Internet Is Changing Your Brain

As you read these words, your brain is being changed. Every day, as you surf the internet, clicking on hyperlinks,…

How to Deal with Stinging Criticism

Image by digicla This article is part two in Cynthia’s series on making feedback a positive and empowering part of…

Why Passion Beats Perfection

Passion takes inspiration and turns it into something you’re proud of. Passion motivates you in the morning and fires you…

How to Ask for Feedback (Without it Blowing Up in Your Face)

You’ve probably had it happen to you: eager, excited, ready to share your article or painting or blog design, you…

Four Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic

If you have a creative block you'd like some help with, tell us about it - details in the first…

Do You Worry That You’re ‘Just Not Creative’?

If you believe you're "Just not the creative type", there's no point even trying to think or act creatively. You'd…

How Good Is Too Good?

Image by watercolors08 Far above the streets of Paris, scattered across the rooftops, parapets and pinnacles of Notre Dame Cathedral,…

The 8 Types of Creative Intelligence

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.…

Can Computers Think Creatively?

Photo by AZAdam Computers are very smart, but they have no imagination, right? They can only slavishly follow instructions and…