Creative Thinking

Focus on Projects, Not Tasks

When we think of productivity we typically think about tasks and to-do lists, working habits and routines. We focus on…

Rebooting Global Filming with Hometeam

Welcome to Episode 3 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of…

Why Rejection Doesn’t (Necessarily) Mean Your Work Isn’t Good Enough

A lot of creative professions involve submitting work to gatekeepers of various kinds: agents, editors, publishers, gallerists, funders, producers, studios…

Lockdown Series: Windows on a Changed World with Earl Abrahams

Welcome to Episode 2 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of…

Eat that Frog (But Eat the Cake as Well)

‘Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of…

Video: Forget the Career Ladder – Start Creating Assets

I hope this finds you as well as can be. Here in the UK we’re bracing for what we are…

My new podcast (and why it’s the opposite of The 21st Century Creative)

Today is the launch of my new podcast, and it’s something I’ve been planning and dreaming of sharing with you…

Ideas Are Leprechauns

Last night I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered an idea I’d had for an article…

Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

Today’s guest on The 21st Century Creative is Michael Bungay Stanier, a returning guest whose interview way back in Season…

Every Creative Project Is a Revolving Door

A lot of productivity advice tells us that we need to stop procrastinating, beat Resistance, and get things done. The…