Creative Thinking

Why Thinking Is Overrated

Image by Brian Hillegas Imagine you have no head. I'm serious. Imagine you have no head. Right this instant. (more…)

How Good Is Too Good?

Image by watercolors08 Far above the streets of Paris, scattered across the rooftops, parapets and pinnacles of Notre Dame Cathedral,…

RSS Creativity – Guest Article for The 99%

You might like to check out the guest article I've just written for online magazine The 99% - RSS Creativity:…

The 8 Types of Creative Intelligence

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.…

Why Spontaneity Comes from Following the Rules

This video of a conversation between Brian Eno and SimCity game designer Will Wright (via Fresh Creation) reveals a surprising…

Miffy – the Making of a Timeless Children’s Classic

Miffy has always been there. If you met her as a child, you won't have forgotten her. Each time you…

The Trouble with Telling People to Go Green

Photo by miyukiutada Once upon a time there was a Buddhist master called Ajahn Chah, who lived deep in the…

Can Computers Think Creatively?

Photo by AZAdam Computers are very smart, but they have no imagination, right? They can only slavishly follow instructions and…

Drill Sergeant or Buddy: Who Brings Out the Best in a Creator?

Photo by j. botter Some believe that creators need a firm guiding hand to help them create their best work.…

Video Interview: Mark McGuinness Talks Creativity with Philip Patston

cm 27 Mark McGuiness Interview from Creative Momentum on Vimeo. If you've ever wondered about the faces behind Lateral Action,…