Rajesh Setty

5 Stories that Make Complex Issues Compelling

As human beings, we love stories. We love to hear them and we love to tell them. We are always…

Are You Creating the Right Kind of Buzz?

To keep it simple, we will consider buzz as something people want to and will talk about. The social media…

The 6 Degrees of Online Influence

There are so many articles about how to influence your audience. This article will talk about six degrees of how…

The 6 Levels of Engagement in Online Conversations

Activity is not productivity - we all know that. But why do we keep engaging in activities that are not…

9 Ways People Respond to Your Content Online

Blogs and Twitter have almost eliminated any barrier to publishing. You have an idea and in a few minutes your…

Beware of Awareness Tests That Fail

A creative person looks at the same thing that everyone is looking at from a different perspective. He or she…