9 Ways People Respond to Your Content Online

Blogs and Twitter have almost eliminated any barrier to publishing. You have an idea and in a few minutes your thoughts can be online. Think about it – with every person thinking about more than 50,000 thoughts a day, producing online content can be simple.

Maybe. But simply churning out meaningless content does not guarantee that others will read what you write. Make this mistake and people will read what you write and write you off.

What’s the alternative?

Use your creativity to generate content that will inspire and transform the lives of the audience in a positive way. Remember that it costs time (and indirectly – money) for your audience to read what you write. And, they expect a good return for that investment.

You will know whether you are succeeding in influencing your audience in a positive way because the audience will tell you. No, maybe not directly but by the way they respond to your content.

So, here are the nine ways your audience will respond to your online content:

  1. Spam: If your content does not provide a reasonable ROII (return-on-investment for an interaction) for the reader or is self-serving or simply useless, the reader will mark it as spam. Posting something that may be assessed, as “spam” is the fastest way to losing credibility.
  2. Skip: The reader makes an assessment that he or she won’t lose much by reading it. In this case, the reader has not written you off yet but if you consistently create content that is worth “skipping,” the reader might write you off.
  3. Scan: The reader thinks there are only a few parts that are of relevance and wants to get right to the core of the content and skip the rest.
  4. Stop: The reader is touched by the article and stops to think about the article, it’s relevance and what it means to him or her personally and professionally.
  5. Save: The content is so good that the reader might want to re-visit this multiple times.
  6. Shift: The article is transformational. The reader is so deeply affected (in a positive way) by the article that it shifts some of their values and beliefs. In other words, this piece of writing will transform the reader and make him or her grow.
  7. Send: The content is not only useful to the reader but also to one or more people in the reader’s network. The reader simply emails the article or a link to it to people that he or she cares.
  8. Spread: The reader finds the article fascinating enough to spread it to anyone and everyone via a blog, twitter or the social networks that he or she belongs.
  9. Subscribe: This is the ultimate expression of engagement and a vote of confidence that you will continue to provide great content. When the reader wants to continue listening to your thoughts, he or she will subscribe.

Finally, here are a few things to consider before you post your next online content:

1. Understand Your Audience

Unless you are writing something for your private consumption, your audience should be the center of the focus and not you. The more you know about your audience, the better you can connect with them. Think about:

  • Who is your audience?
  • Why are they reading what you are writing?
  • What are their concerns in general and what are their concerns NOW?

2. Check Your Objective

Some questions to think about:

  • What is the purpose of your article?
  • What assessment do you want the reader to create by reading your article?

3. Unleash Your Creativity

You know the audience and you know the purpose of the article. Now the next step is to unleash your creativity and create something that will generate the kind of response that you are looking for.

Some questions to think about:

  • What would be unique (content, point-of-view etc.) in this article that will make the audience do what I want them to do?
  • How can you make this article “extremely relevant” to the current times?
  • What can you include that will increase the “longevity” of the article?

4. Learn from Feedback

You already know the nine ways that people respond to your online content. When people act the way they do, they are providing you valuable feedback. Keeping your emotions aside, learn from the feedback and incorporate this learning into your next article.

Background: An earlier version of this article was titled Skip, Scan, Stop, Save and/or Spread. Thanks to several people especially Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki and Kathy Hendershot-Hurd who helped me enhance the initial concept through their comments.

About the Author: Rajesh Setty is an entrepreneur, author and speaker based in Silicon Valley. Rajesh maintains a blog at Life Beyond Code. You can also find him on Twitter at @UpbeatNow.

Rajesh Setty:

View Comments (88)

  • This post was thought provoking as it makes someone who reads it analyze and think profoundly on what course of action do they want their readers to respond. Good job!

  • Thanks Guillermo, Brett, Jonathan, Marie, The Bad Blogger and Chris for your kind comments.

    Chris, on your note - what I have observed is that people do multiple things when the content touches them. For instance they will save (bookmark) and spread (tweet it) or they will stop (think about it) and subscribe (RSS feed)

    I agree with you that the "shift" happens slowly in general but it can also happen in an instant - like you get an "Aha Moment," a revelation that can change the way you look at the world forever.


  • Hi Rajesh,

    I'm here because I subscribe to Copyblogger and he linked to this article today. After reading it, I've tweeted about it; now I've looked quickly through the other posts on your front page and decided to subscribe to you as well.

    This is a really great article that succinctly lays out the spectrum of reaction we face as bloggers. It's easy enough to say to yourself, "Oh, I guess that was a post that didn't really resonate," but it's not so easy to figure out, "How CAN I make my post resonate with people?" You address the "how" in your list of questions there at the end.

    Thank you for this article! I really need to ask myself those questions more often. I think it'd improve my content, and thus my reader interaction and my satisfaction level, immensely.

  • For the chart alone I thank you! Visual thinkers LOVE tools like that. ;-)
    For the words that enhance that visual .. more thanks...

    Map, checklist and very useable content...

    let's see it stopped me in my tracks, I tweeted it and now I will probably print it out and use it...

    According to your chart that makes it.... ;-)

    It makes a great check up to maintain content quality continuity too. Love it Rajesh.

  • Yes, climbing this scale is something for us all to aim for.

    It's all about serving our readers, creating content that makes it worth their time reading it - because it makes their lives better.

    I call this my rule #1 - write for the reader.

  • purely speaking for myself, i would put subscribe right after save - many times i will be intrigued, then subscribe just to see if the content is of a consistent quality

    i think shift should be the last and is the rarest - many times i will spread and share but not have any shift

    shift sounds like epiphany to me, which is rare

  • You are so right. As a PR/marketing consultant, I'm seeing the same trend now with the advent of social media as what happened when desktop publishing debuted. People think that because the tools are inexpensive and user-friendly, then anybody can do it and everyone is suddenly an expert. Unfortunately, in many cases the results are mediocre at best. Instead of communicating more, companies need to communicate better. Many don't realize that they are tarnishing their brands rather than polishing them.

  • Hi Rajesh,

    Excellent step-by-step analysis of the typical surfer's behavior! There were a lot of points in there I never considered before, but knowing this information has made me refocus and drill down to get the meaning of my posts - even more-so than before. Thank you!

  • WOW RAJ! The simple diagram you drew at the beginning is great Making something simple is hard. You've done it!

    I agree with Gail Kent (I co-owned one of the first Apple computer dealerships in Toronto in the 80s) that desktop publishing is like social media in that while the "tools" are inexpensive and user-friendly, then anybody can do it and everyone can be an expert. I agree with her that in many cases the results are mediocre at best.

    I plan to spread this (link it) (just like Copyblogger where I found out about you) in my own blog!!!!

  • Wow. Excellent, excellent post. I'll certainly use this info as I try to get my blog/website content off the ground.

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